

Welcome to the quarto textbook template. Customize your book setup by editing the following code. It will create a project at the specified path (e.g., the code below will create a new folder called “book” in your working directory), render the demo book in Quarto, open the book in a web browser, and open the project in a new RStudio window.

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  path = "book",
  title = "Book Template",
  subtitle = "",
  authors = "Me",
  description = "Book Description",
  output_dir = "docs",
  license = "CC-BY",
  google_analytics = "",
  socials = list(),
  downloads = c("pdf", "epub"),
  sharing = c("twitter", "facebook", "linkedin"),
  margin_header = "",
  footer = paste0(license, " (",
                  format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"),
                  ") ", authors),
  light_theme = "flatly",
  dark_theme = "darkly",
  css = stripes(),
  df_print = "kable",
  webexercises = TRUE,
  open = rlang::is_interactive(),
  render = TRUE

See Chapter 1 for details of how to further customize the book.