Train a dlib shape predictor
Implements a python script from PyImageSearch to train a custom shape predictor model using dlib and OpenCV. Produces a shape predictor file from an xml file containing the image paths, bounding boxes and training points, usually created by tem_to_xml()
Adrian Rosebrock, Training a custom dlib shape predictor, PyImageSearch, https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2019/12/16/training-a-custom-dlib-shape-predictor/, accessed on 13 May 2022
output = "shape_predictor.dat",
tree_depth = 5L,
nu = 0.5,
cascade_depth = 15L,
feature_pool_size = 400L,
num_test_splits = 50L,
oversampling_amount = 5L,
jitter = 0.1,
num_threads = 0L
- xml
The xml file containing the bounding boxes and training points, usually created by tem_to_xml
- output
the name of the .dat file to save the model to
- tree_depth
the depth of each regression tree; typically 2:8
- nu
regularization parameter; must be 0:1
- cascade_depth
the number of cascades used to train the shape predictor; typically 6:18
- feature_pool_size
number of pixels used to generate features for the random trees at each cascade
- num_test_splits
selects best features at each cascade when training
- oversampling_amount
controls the number of random deformations per image (i.e., data augmentation) when training the shape predictor; typically 0:50
- jitter
amount of oversampling translation jitter to apply; typically 0 to 0.5
- num_threads
number of threads/CPU cores to be used when training
NB: The python script will cause R to crash if you try to fit a model with fewer than 8 training faces.
This text is from Adrian Rosebrock's explanation:
tree_depth: the depth of each regression tree -- typical values are between 2 and 8; there will be a total of 2^tree_depth leaves in each tree; small values of tree_depth will be faster but less accurate while larger values will generate trees that are deeper, more accurate, but will run far slower when making predictions
nu: a regularization parameter in the range 0:1 that is used to help our model generalize -- values closer to 1 will make our model fit the training data better, but could cause overfitting; values closer to 0 will help our model generalize but will require us to have training data in the order of 1000s of data points
cascade_depth: the number of cascades used to train the shape predictor -- typical values are between 6 and 18; this parameter has a dramatic impact on both the accuracy and output size of your model; the more cascades you have, the more accurate your model can potentially be, but also the larger the output size
feature_pool_size: number of pixels used to generate features for the random trees at each cascade -- larger pixel values will make your shape predictor more accurate, but slower; use large values if speed is not a problem, otherwise smaller values for resource constrained/embedded devices
num_test_splits: selects best features at each cascade when training -- the larger this value is, the longer it will take to train but (potentially) the more accurate your model will be
oversampling_amount: controls the number of random deformations per image (i.e., data augmentation) when training the shape predictor -- applies the supplied number of random deformations, thereby performing regularization and increasing the ability of our model to generalize
oversampling_translation_jitter: amount of translation jitter to apply -- the dlib docs recommend values in the range 0 to 0.5
num_threads: number of threads/CPU cores to be used when training -- defaults to the number of available cores on the system, but you can supply an integer value
if (FALSE) {
# requires python and dlib
xml <- system.file("demo/_images.xml", package = "webmorphR.dlib")
# train model
newmodel <- facetrain(xml)
# check model on new images
newdelin <- demo_stim("zoom") |>
auto_delin(replace = TRUE, dat_file = newmodel)
newdelin |> draw_tem() |> plot(nrow = 6)