

The goal of WebMorph and the associated R package, webmorphR, is to make the construction of image stimuli more reproducible, with a focus on face stimuli.

As of September 2023, webmorph.org is down following identification of a security vulnerability. I am working on moving all functions to webmorphR and removing the ability to store images online.

webmorphR is now on CRAN!

The development of these tools was funded by ERC grant #647910 (KINSHIP).

Lisa DeBruine
Lisa DeBruine
Professor of Psychology

Lisa DeBruine is a professor of psychology at the University of Glasgow. Her substantive research is on the social perception of faces and kinship. Her meta-science interests include team science (especially the Psychological Science Accelerator), open documentation, data simulation, web-based tools for data collection and stimulus generation, and teaching computational reproducibility.
