Recoding with case_match and case_when

I wrote previously about recoding characters into numbers using various coding schemes and about recoding numeric values into characters in 2017, where I covered, the recode() function. In this tutorial, I will compare recoding methods with ifelse(), recode(), case_when() and case_match().

We’ll just be using {dplyr}.


First, let’s create a demo data frame. In this example, the 4 subjects are in 4 groups (1A, 1B, 2A or 2B), and they complete a task under two conditions (ctl or exp). The cb column gives the counterbalancing group (1 = ctl first, 2 = exp first). A few values are set to NA to demonstrate how the different methods deal with missing values.

df <- data.frame(
  id = rep(1:4, each = 2),
  condition = rep(c("ctl", "exp"), 4),
  group = rep(c("1A", "1B", "2A", "2B"), each = 2),
  cb = rep(1:2, each = 2, times = 2)

df$condition[8] <- NA
df$group[7] <- NA

##   id condition group cb
## 1  1       ctl    1A  1
## 2  1       exp    1A  1
## 3  2       ctl    1B  2
## 4  2       exp    1B  2
## 5  3       ctl    2A  1
## 6  3       exp    2A  1
## 7  4       ctl  <NA>  2
## 8  4      <NA>    2B  2

Our task here is to do both simple and complex recoding.

The conditions should be changed to more descriptive labels: ctl = “Control” and exp = “Experimental. This is an example of one-to-one recoding.

There are 4 groups, but we want to recode them into two labels: 1A and 1B = “Easy”, 2A and 2B = “Hard”. This is an example of many-to-one recoding.

Additionally, we want to create a new column called first that is TRUE if the condition was first, and FALSE if it was not. So it should be true if the condition is ctl and cb is 1, or if the condition is exp and cb is 2, and false otherwise. This is an example of complex recoding, since it requires evaluation of more than one column.

This is what we want in the end:

##   id    condition group cb first
## 1  1      Control  Easy  1  TRUE
## 2  1 Experimental  Easy  1 FALSE
## 3  2      Control  Easy  2 FALSE
## 4  2 Experimental  Easy  2  TRUE
## 5  3      Control  Hard  1  TRUE
## 6  3 Experimental  Hard  1 FALSE
## 7  4      Control  <NA>  2 FALSE
## 8  4         <NA>  Hard  2    NA


Beginners are often tempted to tackle problems like this with ifelse() statements.

df |>
    condition = ifelse(condition == "ctl", "Control", "Experimental"),
    group = ifelse(group %in% c("1A", "1B"), "Easy", "Hard"),
    first = ifelse(condition == "Control",
                   yes = ifelse(cb == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
                    no = ifelse(cb == 2, TRUE, FALSE))
##   id    condition group cb first
## 1  1      Control  Easy  1  TRUE
## 2  1 Experimental  Easy  1 FALSE
## 3  2      Control  Easy  2 FALSE
## 4  2 Experimental  Easy  2  TRUE
## 5  3      Control  Hard  1  TRUE
## 6  3 Experimental  Hard  1 FALSE
## 7  4      Control  Hard  2 FALSE
## 8  4         <NA>  Hard  2    NA

This isn’t wrong, but can be really messy and hard to debug if you have missing values, many levels, or complex recoding. Notice above that the %in% statement recodes the missing value as "Hard" rather than NA. You can fix this like below, but this quickly becomes tedious.

df |>
    group = ifelse(group %in% c("1A", "1B"), "Easy", 
                   ifelse(group %in% c("2A", "2B"), "Hard", NA))
##   id condition group cb
## 1  1       ctl  Easy  1
## 2  1       exp  Easy  1
## 3  2       ctl  Easy  2
## 4  2       exp  Easy  2
## 5  3       ctl  Hard  1
## 6  3       exp  Hard  1
## 7  4       ctl  <NA>  2
## 8  4      <NA>  Hard  2

Especially if you have more than 2 groups or need to deal with missing values in a specific way.

data.frame(x = c(1:5, NA)) |>
  mutate(recode = ifelse(x == 1, "one",
                         ifelse(x == "2", "two",
                                ifelse(x == 3, "three",
                                       ifelse(x == 4, "four",
                                              ifelse(x == 5, "five", 
##    x recode
## 1  1    one
## 2  2    two
## 3  3  three
## 4  4   four
## 5  5   five
## 6 NA   <NA>


The recode() function is a good choice if you have a simple one-to-one mapping of values.

The general syntax is:

       `old value 1` = "new value 1", 
       `old value 2` = "new value 2",
       .default = "default value")
df |>
    condition = recode(condition, 
                       ctl = "Control", 
                       exp = "Experimental"),
    group = recode(group, 
                   `1A` = "Easy", `1B` = "Easy", 
                   `2A` = "Hard", `2B` = "Hard"),
##   id    condition group cb
## 1  1      Control  Easy  1
## 2  1 Experimental  Easy  1
## 3  2      Control  Easy  2
## 4  2 Experimental  Easy  2
## 5  3      Control  Hard  1
## 6  3 Experimental  Hard  1
## 7  4      Control  <NA>  2
## 8  4         <NA>  Hard  2

You don’t have to put the old values inside backticks (or quotes) if they only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and full stops, and don’t start with a number (like a valid object name). But if it’s easier for you to just consistently always put all the values in quotes, that’s fine.

You can also set the recodings with a named vector and the tripple bang (!!!), like below.

condition_recode <- c(
  "ctl" = "Control", 
  "exp" = "Experimental"

group_recode <- c(
  "1A" = "Easy", 
  "1B" = "Easy", 
  "2A" = "Hard", 
  "2B" = "Hard"

df |>
    condition = recode(condition, !!!condition_recode),
    group = recode(group, !!!group_recode),

Case Match

The case_match() function is similar to recode, with a slightly different syntax involving tildes instead of equal signs, and the ability to put a vector of values on the left-hand side. The left-hand side has to be a character vector, or an object that represents a character vector.

       "old value 1" ~ "new value 1", 
       c("old value 2a", "old value 2b") ~ "new value 2",
       .default = "default value")
easy_groups <- c("1A", "1B")
hard_groups <- c("2A", "2B")

df |>
    condition = case_match(condition, 
                           "ctl" ~ "Control", 
                           "exp" ~ "Experimental"),
    group = case_match(group, 
                       easy_groups ~ "Easy", 
                       hard_groups ~ "Hard")
##   id    condition group cb
## 1  1      Control  Easy  1
## 2  1 Experimental  Easy  1
## 3  2      Control  Easy  2
## 4  2 Experimental  Easy  2
## 5  3      Control  Hard  1
## 6  3 Experimental  Hard  1
## 7  4      Control  <NA>  2
## 8  4         <NA>  Hard  2

Case When

The case_when() function is required for more complex recoding, but can also be used for simple recoding. The left-hand side of the tilde is any statement that creates a logical vector. If it is TRUE, then the value is replaced with the one on the right-hand side. If it is FALSE, the next logical statement is checked. If all statements are false, it will get the .default value (which defaults to NA).

       (logical statement) ~ "new value 1", 
       (logical statement) ~ "new value 2",
       .default = "default value")
df |>
    condition = case_when(condition == "ctl" ~ "Control", 
                          condition == "exp" ~ "Experimental"),
    group = case_when(group %in% c("1A", "1B") ~ "Easy", 
                      group %in% c("2A", "2B") ~ "Hard"),
    first = case_when(
      condition == "Control" & cb == 1 ~ TRUE,
      condition == "Control" & cb == 2 ~ FALSE,
      condition == "Experimental" & cb == 1 ~ FALSE,
      condition == "Experimental" & cb == 2 ~ TRUE
##   id    condition group cb first
## 1  1      Control  Easy  1  TRUE
## 2  1 Experimental  Easy  1 FALSE
## 3  2      Control  Easy  2 FALSE
## 4  2 Experimental  Easy  2  TRUE
## 5  3      Control  Hard  1  TRUE
## 6  3 Experimental  Hard  1 FALSE
## 7  4      Control  <NA>  2 FALSE
## 8  4         <NA>  Hard  2    NA

After the first TRUE statement is found, the latter statements are not checked, so values will be replaced by the first match, even if more than one logical statement is true.

# 1 and 2 are both < 3 and < 5
data.frame(x = 1:5) |>
  mutate(size = case_when(
    x < 3 ~ "< 3",
    x < 5 ~ "< 5"
##   x size
## 1 1  < 3
## 2 2  < 3
## 3 3  < 5
## 4 4  < 5
## 5 5 <NA>

Of course you are free to mix and match recoding functions. I’d recommend prioritising clarity over conciseness, so it is as easy as possible to look at the code and see how values are being recoded (both other peole and future you will thank you).

df |>
    condition = recode(condition, 
                       ctl = "Control", 
                       exp = "Experimental"),
    group = case_match(group, 
                       c("1A", "1B") ~ "Easy", 
                       c("2A", "2B") ~ "Hard"),
    first = case_when(
      condition == "Control" & cb == 1 ~ TRUE,
      condition == "Control" & cb == 2 ~ FALSE,
      condition == "Experimental" & cb == 1 ~ FALSE,
      condition == "Experimental" & cb == 2 ~ TRUE
##   id    condition group cb first
## 1  1      Control  Easy  1  TRUE
## 2  1 Experimental  Easy  1 FALSE
## 3  2      Control  Easy  2 FALSE
## 4  2 Experimental  Easy  2  TRUE
## 5  3      Control  Hard  1  TRUE
## 6  3 Experimental  Hard  1 FALSE
## 7  4      Control  <NA>  2 FALSE
## 8  4         <NA>  Hard  2    NA


No matter what method you use, you need to test your recoding to make sure you haven’t introduced errors. You can use the count() function to check that your recodings look like you expect.

# original data
orig <- data.frame(
  group = sample(LETTERS[1:4], 200, T)

# recoding vector
group_recode <- c(
  A = "control 1", 
  B = "control 2",
  C = "experimental 1",
  C = "experimental 2" # intentional error here :)

First, save the recoded value in either a different column in the original data frame or a different data frame.

# recoded data in original data frame
orig$group2 <- recode(orig$group, !!!group_recode)

# recoded data in new data frame
new <- orig |>
  mutate(group = recode(group, !!!group_recode))

If they are in the same data frame, the checking code is very simple, just count the values in both columns. You should have only as many rows as the original number of levels, and the recoded values should be correct.

# check recoding with count()
count(orig, group, group2)
##   group         group2  n
## 1     A      control 1 47
## 2     B      control 2 54
## 3     C experimental 1 52
## 4     D              D 47

If they are in different data frames, combine then and count.

  orig = orig$group,
  new = new$group
) |>
  count(orig, new)
##   orig            new  n
## 1    A      control 1 47
## 2    B      control 2 54
## 3    C experimental 1 52
## 4    D              D 47

Common Errors

Combining different data types

If the new values are not the same data type (e.g., all characters or all numeric), you will get an error.

recode(c("A", "B"), A = 1, B = "b")
## Error in `recode()`:
## ! `B` must be a double vector, not the string "b".

The error will be different depending on what the data type of the first new value is.

recode(c("A", "B"), A = "a", B = 2)
## Error in `recode()`:
## ! `B` must be a character vector, not the number 2.

You get a similar error for the same reason with case_match() and case_when().

case_match(c("A", "B"), "A" ~ "a", "B" ~ 2)
## Error in `case_match()`:
## ! Can't combine `..1 (right)` <character> and `..2 (right)` <double>.

Can’t recycle …

If your logical statements result in vectors that are different lengths, you will get the following error.

  1:6 < 10 ~ "less than 10",
  1:2 < 20 ~ "less than 20"
## Error in `case_when()`:
## ! Can't recycle `..1 (left)` (size 6) to match `..2 (left)` (size 2).

Unexpected ‘=’

If you are trying to recode numbers, you may be tempted to write code like this:

recode(1:2, 1 = "A", 2 = "B")
## Error: <text>:1:15: unexpected '='
## 1: recode(1:2, 1 =
##                   ^

However, you need to put the left-hand side in backticks or quotes if it is a number:

recode(1:2, `1` = "A", `2` = "B")
## [1] "A" "B"

This will work with case_match(), though. The recode() function reads in the old values as function arguments, which have certain rules, while case_match() reads in old values as the left-hand side of an equation (hence the ~), which has different rules.

case_match(1:2, 1 ~ "A", 2 ~ "B")
## [1] "A" "B"
Lisa DeBruine
Lisa DeBruine
Professor of Psychology

Lisa DeBruine is a professor of psychology at the University of Glasgow. Her substantive research is on the social perception of faces and kinship. Her meta-science interests include team science (especially the Psychological Science Accelerator), open documentation, data simulation, web-based tools for data collection and stimulus generation, and teaching computational reproducibility.
