Data simulation with {faux} for mixed designs

Lisa DeBruine


Being able to simulate data allows you to prep analysis scripts for pre-registration, calculate power and sensitivity for analyses that don’t have empirical methods, create reproducible examples when your data are too big or confidential to share, enhance your understanding of statistical concepts, and create demo data for teaching and tutorials. In this talk, I will introduce the basics of simulation using the R package {faux}. We will focus on simulating data from a mixed design where trials are crossed with subjects, analysing this using {lme4}, understanding how the simulation parameters correspond to the output, and using simulation to calculate power.

Why Simulate Data?


Prep analysis scripts for pre-registration or registered reports


Calculate power and sensitivity for analyses that don’t have empirical methods

Reproducible Examples

Create reproducible examples when your data are too big or confidential to share

Enhance Understanding

Enhance your understanding of statistical or other complex concepts

Teaching Data

Create demo data for teaching and tutorials


Shiny App

Faux Code

sim_data <- faux::sim_design(
  between = list(age_group = c(young = "Age 20-29", old = "Age 70-79")),
  within = list(version = c(V1 = "Version 1", V2 = "Version 2"), 
                condition = c(ctl = "Control", exp = "Experimental")),
  n = 30,
  mu = data.frame(
    young = c(100, 100, 100, 100), 
    old = c(100, 90, 110, 110),
    row.names = c("V1_ctl", "V1_exp", "V2_ctl", "V2_exp")
  sd = 20,
  r = 0.5,
  dv = c(score = "Score"),
  id = c(id = "Subject ID"),
  vardesc = list(version = "Task Version", 
                 condition = "Experiment Condition", 
                 age_group = "Age Group"),
  long = TRUE

Faux Design Parameters

age_group version condition V1_ctl V1_exp V2_ctl V2_exp n mu sd
young V1 ctl 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 30 100 20
young V1 exp 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 30 100 20
young V2 ctl 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 30 100 20
young V2 exp 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 30 100 20
old V1 ctl 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 30 100 20
old V1 exp 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 30 90 20
old V2 ctl 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 30 110 20
old V2 exp 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 30 110 20

Faux Design Plot

sim_data |> get_design() |> plot()

Faux Data Plot

sim_data |> plot(geoms = c("violin", "pointrangeSE"))

Mixed Effects

Random factors

subj_n <- 2 # number of subjects

lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n)

Crossed random factors

item_n <- 2 # number of items

lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n)
subj item
subj1 item1
subj1 item2
subj2 item1
subj2 item2

Nested random factors

lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n, .nested_in = "subj")
subj item
subj1 item1
subj1 item2
subj2 item3
subj2 item4

Fixed factors (within)

lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n) |>
  add_within(condition = c("control", "experimental"))
subj item condition
subj1 item1 control
subj1 item1 experimental
subj1 item2 control
subj1 item2 experimental
subj2 item1 control
subj2 item1 experimental
subj2 item2 control
subj2 item2 experimental

Fixed factors (between)

gender_prob <- c(20, 75, 5) # gender category distribution

lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n) |>
  add_within(condition = c("control", "experimental")) |>
  add_between("subj", gender = c("M", "F", "NB"), .prob = gender_prob)
subj item condition gender
subj1 item1 control M
subj1 item1 experimental M
subj1 item2 control M
subj1 item2 experimental M
subj2 item1 control M
subj2 item1 experimental M
subj2 item2 control M
subj2 item2 experimental M

Contrast Coding

My name Other names R function faux function
Treatment Treatment (2), Dummy (1, 4, 6), Simple (5) contr.treatment contr_code_treatment
Anova Deviation (2), Contrast (1), Simple (4) contr.treatment - 1/k contr_code_anova
Sum Sum (1, 2, 6), Effects (3), Deviation (4, 5), Unweighted Effects (7) contr.sum contr_code_sum
Difference Contrast (3), Forward/Backward (4), Repeated (5) MASS::contr.sdif contr_code_difference
Helmert Reverse Helmert (1, 4), Difference (5), Contrast (7) contr.helmert / (column_i+1) contr_code_helmert
Polynomial Polynomial (5), Orthogonal Polynomial (4), Trend (3) contr.poly contr_code_poly



lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n) |>
  add_within(condition = c("control", "experimental")) |>
  add_between("subj", gender = c("M", "F", "NB"), .prob = gender_prob) |>
  add_contrast("condition", "treatment", colnames = "treat") |>
  add_contrast("condition", "anova", colnames = "anova") |>
  add_contrast("condition", "sum", colnames = "sum")
subj item condition gender treat anova sum
subj1 item1 control F 0 -0.5 1
subj1 item1 experimental F 1 0.5 -1
subj1 item2 control F 0 -0.5 1
subj1 item2 experimental F 1 0.5 -1
subj2 item1 control F 0 -0.5 1
subj2 item1 experimental F 1 0.5 -1
subj2 item2 control F 0 -0.5 1
subj2 item2 experimental F 1 0.5 -1


# define this to make room later

design <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n) |>
  add_within(condition = c("control", "experimental")) |>
  add_between("subj", gender = c("M", "F", "NB"), .prob = gender_prob) |>
  add_contrast("condition", "treatment", colnames = "cond")
subj item condition gender cond
subj1 item1 control F 0
subj1 item1 experimental F 1
subj1 item2 control F 0
subj1 item2 experimental F 1
subj2 item1 control F 0
subj2 item1 experimental F 1
subj2 item2 control F 0
subj2 item2 experimental F 1

Fixed Effects

intercept <- 100 # model intercept (mean for control condition)
cond_eff  <-  10 # condition effect size

lmem_dat <- design |>
  mutate(dv = intercept + 
           cond * cond_eff)
subj item condition gender cond dv
subj1 item1 control F 0 100
subj1 item1 experimental F 1 110
subj1 item2 control F 0 100
subj1 item2 experimental F 1 110
subj2 item1 control F 0 100
subj2 item1 experimental F 1 110
subj2 item2 control F 0 100
subj2 item2 experimental F 1 110

Error Term

error_sd <- 20 # SD of trial-level error (residuals)

lmem_dat <- design |>
  add_ranef(err = error_sd) |>
  mutate(dv = intercept + err +
           cond * cond_eff)
subj item condition gender cond err dv
subj1 item1 control F 0.00 −11.09 88.91
subj1 item1 experimental F 1.00 −30.34 79.66
subj1 item2 control F 0.00 −16.56 83.44
subj1 item2 experimental F 1.00 14.88 124.88
subj2 item1 control F 0.00 −20.52 79.48
subj2 item1 experimental F 1.00 19.75 129.75
subj2 item2 control F 0.00 −17.96 82.04
subj2 item2 experimental F 1.00 −38.54 71.46

Random Intercepts

subj_sd      <-   8 # SD of subject-level intercepts
item_sd      <-   4 # SD of item-level intercepts

lmem_dat <- design |>
  add_ranef(err = error_sd) |>
  add_ranef(.by = "subj", subj_i = subj_sd) |>
  add_ranef(.by = "item", item_i = item_sd) |>
  mutate(dv = intercept + subj_i + item_i + err +
           cond * cond_eff)
subj item condition gender cond err subj_i item_i dv
subj1 item1 control F 0.00 −44.04 −3.24 3.03 55.75
subj1 item1 experimental F 1.00 −22.93 −3.24 3.03 86.86
subj1 item2 control F 0.00 12.43 −3.24 2.02 111.20
subj1 item2 experimental F 1.00 17.01 −3.24 2.02 125.78
subj2 item1 control F 0.00 −14.50 −7.99 3.03 80.54
subj2 item1 experimental F 1.00 27.81 −7.99 3.03 132.84
subj2 item2 control F 0.00 −6.31 −7.99 2.02 87.71
subj2 item2 experimental F 1.00 −37.69 −7.99 2.02 66.34

Random Slopes

subj_cond_sd <-   5 # SD of subject-level condition effect size
item_cond_sd <-  15 # SD of item-level condition effect size
subj_cors    <-   0.5 # correlation between subject intercept and slope
item_cors    <-  -0.5 # correlation between item intercept and slope

lmem_dat <- design |>
  add_ranef(err = error_sd) |>
  add_ranef(.by = "subj", 
            subj_i = subj_sd, 
            subj_cond = subj_cond_sd, 
            .cors = subj_cors) |>
  add_ranef(.by = "item", 
            item_i = item_sd, 
            item_cond = item_cond_sd, 
            .cors = item_cors) |>
  mutate(dv = intercept + subj_i + item_i + err +
           cond * (cond_eff + subj_cond + item_cond))

Random Slopes

subj item condition gender cond err subj_i subj_cond item_i item_cond dv
subj1 item1 control F 0.00 21.78 −8.67 −2.06 2.66 −3.42 115.76
subj1 item1 experimental F 1.00 −25.00 −8.67 −2.06 2.66 −3.42 73.50
subj1 item2 control F 0.00 42.32 −8.67 −2.06 −4.72 20.12 128.93
subj1 item2 experimental F 1.00 −3.23 −8.67 −2.06 −4.72 20.12 111.45
subj2 item1 control F 0.00 26.91 −13.94 −2.69 2.66 −3.42 115.63
subj2 item1 experimental F 1.00 −17.59 −13.94 −2.69 2.66 −3.42 75.02
subj2 item2 control F 0.00 8.65 −13.94 −2.69 −4.72 20.12 89.99
subj2 item2 experimental F 1.00 −36.14 −13.94 −2.69 −4.72 20.12 72.64


subj_n       <- 100 # number of subjects
item_n       <-  20 # number of items
gender_prob  <- c(20, 75, 5) # gender category distribution
intercept    <- 100 # model intercept (mean for control condition)
cond_eff     <-  10 # condition effect size
error_sd     <-  20 # SD of trial-level error (residuals)
subj_sd      <-   8 # SD of subject-level intercepts
item_sd      <-   4 # SD of item-level intercepts
subj_cond_sd <-   5 # SD of subject-level condition effect size
item_cond_sd <-  15 # SD of item-level condition effect size
subj_cors    <-   0.5 # correlation between subject intercept and slope
item_cors    <-  -0.5 # correlation between item intercept and slope

Full Data Simulation Code

lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
  add_random(item = item_n) |>
  add_within(condition = c("control", "experimental")) |>
  add_between("subj", gender = c("M", "F", "NB"), .prob = gender_prob) |>
  add_contrast("condition", "treatment", colnames = "cond") |>
  add_ranef(err = error_sd) |>
  add_ranef(.by = "subj", 
            subj_i = subj_sd, 
            subj_cond = subj_cond_sd, 
            .cors = subj_cors) |>
  add_ranef(.by = "item", 
            item_i = item_sd, 
            item_cond = item_cond_sd, 
            .cors = item_cors) |>
  mutate(dv = intercept + subj_i + item_i + err +
           cond * (cond_eff + subj_cond + item_cond))

LM Analysis

# aggregate data over subjects
agg_dat <- lmem_dat |> 
  summarise(dv = mean(dv), .by = c(subj, cond))

lm(dv ~ cond, data = agg_dat) |> summary()

lm(formula = dv ~ cond, data = agg_dat)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-19.1018  -7.2699  -0.5588   6.9811  27.7265 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 100.2428     0.9473 105.825  < 2e-16 ***
cond         10.8725     1.3396   8.116 5.01e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 9.473 on 198 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2496,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2458 
F-statistic: 65.87 on 1 and 198 DF,  p-value: 5.014e-14

LMEM Analysis

lmer(dv ~ cond + 
       (1 + cond | subj) + 
       (1 + cond | item),
     data = lmem_dat) |> summary()
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: dv ~ cond + (1 + cond | subj) + (1 + cond | item)
   Data: lmem_dat

REML criterion at convergence: 35323.9

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.7821 -0.6676 -0.0080  0.6296  3.5944 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 subj     (Intercept)  51.79    7.196        
          cond         13.58    3.685   0.48 
 item     (Intercept)  15.14    3.891        
          cond        225.11   15.004   -0.58
 Residual             368.84   19.205        
Number of obs: 4000, groups:  subj, 100; item, 20

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error      df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  100.243      1.208  41.244   82.98  < 2e-16 ***
cond          10.872      3.429  19.442    3.17  0.00493 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
cond -0.426

Power simulation

  1. Wrap dataset creation and analysis in a function that returns the values you care about as a data frame
  2. Iterate this function and save the output as a data frame
  3. Summarise the output (e.g., power, range of effect sizes)

Function Outline

sim_func <- function(iteration = 0, subj_n = 100, item_n = 20, cond_eff = 0) {
  # variables not in function arguments

  # simulate the data
  lmem_dat <- ...
  # run the analysis
  mod <- lmer(...)
  # return a table of fixed effects only
  broom.mixed::tidy(mod, effects = "fixed") |>
    mutate(iteration = iteration)

Full Function

sim_func <- function(iteration = 0, subj_n = 100, item_n = 20, cond_eff = 0) {
  # variables not in function arguments
  gender_prob  <- c(20, 75, 5)
  intercept    <- 100
  error_sd     <-  20
  subj_sd      <-   8
  item_sd      <-   4
  subj_cond_sd <-   5
  item_cond_sd <-  15
  subj_cors    <-   0.5
  item_cors    <-  -0.5

  # simulate the data
  lmem_dat <- add_random(subj = subj_n) |>
    add_random(item = item_n) |>
    add_within(condition = c("control", "experimental")) |>
    add_between("subj", gender = c("M", "F", "NB"), .prob = gender_prob) |>
    add_contrast("condition", "treatment", colnames = "cond") |>
    add_ranef(err = error_sd) |>
    add_ranef(.by = "subj", 
              subj_i = subj_sd, 
              subj_cond = subj_cond_sd, 
              .cors = subj_cors) |>
    add_ranef(.by = "item", 
              item_i = item_sd, 
              item_cond = item_cond_sd, 
              .cors = item_cors) |>
    mutate(dv = intercept + subj_i + item_i + err +
             cond * (cond_eff + subj_cond + item_cond))
  # run the analysis
  mod <- lmer(dv ~ cond + 
       (1 + cond | subj) + 
       (1 + cond | item),
     data = lmem_dat)
  # return a table of fixed effects only
  broom.mixed::tidy(mod, effects = "fixed") |>
    mutate(iteration = iteration)

Test the Function

effect term estimate std.error statistic df p.value iteration
fixed (Intercept) 100.37 1.18 85.03 42.60 0.00 0
fixed cond −1.54 2.63 −0.58 20.00 0.57 0
# again to make sure iterations differ
effect term estimate std.error statistic df p.value iteration
fixed (Intercept) 98.44 1.24 79.34 39.58 0.00 0
fixed cond 9.16 2.80 3.27 19.78 0.00 0
# change effect size
sim_func(cond_eff = 10)
effect term estimate std.error statistic df p.value iteration
fixed (Intercept) 97.78 1.25 78.11 55.32 0.00 0
fixed cond 9.59 2.84 3.38 20.56 0.00 0



sim_results <- map_df(1:10, sim_func, cond_eff = 10)
effect term estimate std.error statistic df p.value iteration
fixed (Intercept) 98.97 0.99 99.85 67.08 0.00 1
fixed cond 11.69 3.18 3.67 20.22 0.00 1
fixed (Intercept) 102.87 1.09 94.33 57.18 0.00 2
fixed cond 7.64 2.85 2.68 19.87 0.01 2
fixed (Intercept) 100.08 1.43 70.04 33.77 0.00 3
fixed cond 6.06 4.42 1.37 19.22 0.19 3


sim_results |>
  summarise(power = mean(p.value < 0.05), .by = term)
term power
(Intercept) 1.00
cond 0.70

Further Resources

PsyPag Simulation Summer School

Data Simulation Workshops

Thank You!