Why Code?


Lisa DeBruine


Research transparency and integrity benefit greatly from computationally reproducible code, but the barriers to learning the required skills can seem overwhelming. In this talk, I will summarise the benefits of using code to process and analyse data, give some practical tips for developing your skills, demonstrate how data simulation can improve your research, and discuss the benefits of code review.

Why Use Code?


UN Population Data

Location Sex Age 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100
More developed regions Both sexes combined 0-4 82893 87593 89475 87953 82992 81473 78083 78191 77564 71194 65679 65933 69648 69387 67495 65329 63693 62957 63263 63749 63609 62818 61897 61280 61143 61301 61426 61290 60905 60494 60264
More developed regions Female 0-4 40614 42827 43734 42969 40569 39787 38068 38175 37841 34704 32011 32135 33942 33801 32889 31839 31043 30683 30831 31066 30997 30613 30166 29867 29800 29877 29938 29873 29686 29487 29376
More developed regions Male 0-4 42279 44766 45740 44984 42423 41686 40015 40016 39723 36490 33667 33797 35706 35586 34606 33490 32650 32274 32432 32683 32611 32205 31731 31414 31343 31424 31488 31417 31219 31007 30888
Less developed regions Both sexes combined 0-4 255604 319584 344533 391350 441088 463037 469514 511937 565990 548648 549987 561305 582366 601287 610447 611590 613750 618254 622382 625782 626567 625214 621668 617656 612496 606880 600527 592475 583450 573573 563352
Less developed regions Female 0-4 125463 156409 168668 191349 216219 226435 229366 249556 275064 265413 265513 270549 280889 290626 295620 296746 298526 301376 303650 305531 305977 305360 303662 301729 299227 296489 293381 289435 285012 280171 275160
Less developed regions Male 0-4 130141 163175 175866 200001 224870 236603 240149 262381 290926 283235 284474 290757 301478 310661 314827 314844 315224 316878 318732 320251 320590 319854 318006 315928 313269 310390 307147 303040 298438 293402 288193

UN Population Data: 2020

sex year age pop pcnt
Female 2020 0-4 328509 4.21%
Female 2020 5-9 321512 4.12%
Female 2020 10-14 309770 3.97%
Female 2020 15-19 295553 3.79%
Female 2020 20-24 289101 3.71%
Female 2020 25-29 288633 3.70%
Female 2020 30-34 296294 3.80%
Female 2020 35-39 268372 3.44%
Female 2020 40-44 244400 3.14%
Female 2020 45-49 238134 3.06%
Female 2020 50-54 223163 2.86%
Female 2020 55-59 195634 2.51%
Female 2020 60-64 164961 2.12%
Female 2020 65-69 140704 1.81%
sex year age pop pcnt
Female 2020 70-74 101491 1.30%
Female 2020 75-79 69027 0.89%
Female 2020 80-84 48282 0.62%
Female 2020 85-89 26429 0.34%
Female 2020 90-94 11352 0.15%
Female 2020 95-99 3056 0.04%
Female 2020 100+ 449 0.01%
Male 2020 0-4 349433 4.48%
Male 2020 5-9 342927 4.40%
Male 2020 10-14 331497 4.25%
Male 2020 15-19 316643 4.06%
Male 2020 20-24 308287 3.96%
Male 2020 25-29 306060 3.93%
Male 2020 30-34 309237 3.97%
sex year age pop pcnt
Male 2020 35-39 276447 3.55%
Male 2020 40-44 249389 3.20%
Male 2020 45-49 241233 3.09%
Male 2020 50-54 222610 2.86%
Male 2020 55-59 192215 2.47%
Male 2020 60-64 157180 2.02%
Male 2020 65-69 128939 1.65%
Male 2020 70-74 87186 1.12%
Male 2020 75-79 54755 0.70%
Male 2020 80-84 33649 0.43%
Male 2020 85-89 15757 0.20%
Male 2020 90-94 5328 0.07%
Male 2020 95-99 1078 0.01%
Male 2020 100+ 124 0.00%

Set up plot

ggplot(data = pop_data_2020, 
       mapping = aes(x = age, y = pcnt, fill = sex))

Add visualistion

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt, fill = sex)) +

Flip the x and y axes

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col() +

Center the columns

pop_data_2020 <- pop_data_2020 |>
  mutate(pcnt2 = ifelse(sex == "Male", -pcnt, pcnt))

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col() +

Fix the titles

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Population by Age and Gender: 2020",
       x = "Age", y = "Percent of Population")

Remove legend

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Population by Age and Gender: 2020",
       x = "Age", y = "Percent of Population")

Customise colours

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Population by Age and Gender: 2020",
       x = "Age", y = "Percent of Population") +
    values = c("hotpink3", "dodgerblue3"))

Customise the axes

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Population by Age and Gender: 2020",
       x = "Age", y = "Percent of Population") +
    values = c("hotpink3", "dodgerblue3")) +
    breaks = seq(-.04, .04, .01),
    labels = abs(seq(-4, 4, 1)) |> paste0("%"))

Add annotations

ggplot(pop_data_2020, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Population by Age and Gender: 2020",
       x = "Age", y = "Percent of Population") +
    values = c("hotpink3", "dodgerblue3")) +
    breaks = seq(-.04, .04, .01),
    labels = abs(seq(-4, 4, 1)) |> paste0("%")) +
  annotate("text", label = "Female", size = 8, 
    color = "hotpink3", x = 20, y = .025) +
  annotate("text", label = "Male", size = 8, 
    color = "dodgerblue3", x = 20, y = -.025)


ggplot(pop_data, aes(age, pcnt2, fill = sex)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip(ylim = c(-.08, .08)) +
  labs(title = "Population by Age and Gender: 
       x = "Age", y = "Percent of Population") +
    values = c("hotpink3", "dodgerblue3")) +
    breaks = seq(-.08, .08, .02),
    labels = abs(seq(-8, 8, 2)) |> paste0("%")) +
  annotate("text", label = "Female", size = 8, 
    color = "hotpink3", x = 20, y = .05) +
  annotate("text", label = "Male", size = 8, 
    color = "dodgerblue3", x = 20, y = -.05) +


Error Detection

An analysis by Nuijten et al. (2016) of over 250K p-values reported in 8 major psych journals from 1985 to 2013 found that:

  • half the papers had at least one inconsistent p-value
  • 1/8 of papers had errors that could affect conclusions
  • errors more likely to be erroneously significant than not

Computational Reproducibility

  • Of 35 articles published in Cognition with usable data (but no code, Hardwicke et al. (2018) found:
    • only 11 could be reproduced independently
    • 11 were reproducible with the original authors’ help
    • 13 were not reproducible even by the original authors
  • Of 62 psych Registered Reports published from 2014–2018, 37 had analysis scripts, 31 could be run, and 21 reproduced all the main results (Obels et al, 2020)

Developing Skills

Top Tips


Data Visualisation Using R, for Researchers Who Don’t Use R

Applied Data Skills

Data Skills for Reproducible Research

Learning Statistical Models Through Simulation in R

Online Communities


R for Data Science

Coding Club

#RStats mastodon

#RStats twitter

Art and Memes


RStats Musical Memes @rafa_moral

It’s R! 🌽

Dirtbag 👶

Data 😱

Data Simulation

Uses for Data Simulation

Being able to simulate data allows you to:

  • prep analysis scripts for pre-registration
  • calculate power and sensitivity for analyses that don’t have empirical methods
  • create reproducible examples when your data are too big or confidential to share
  • enhance your understanding of statistical concepts
  • create demo data for teaching and tutorials





Faux Code

sim_data <- faux::sim_design(
  within = list(version = c(V1 = "Version 1", V2 = "Version 2"), 
                condition = c(ctl = "Control", exp = "Experimental")),
  between = list(age_group = c(young = "Age 20-29", old = "Age 70-79")),
  n = 30,
  mu = c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 90, 110, 110),
  sd = 20,
  r = 0.5,
  dv = c(score = "Score"),
  id = c(id = "Subject ID"),
  vardesc = list(version = "Task Version", 
                 condition = "Experiment Condition", 
                 age_group = "Age Group"),
  long = TRUE

Faux Design Parameters

age_group version condition V1_ctl V1_exp V2_ctl V2_exp n mu sd
young V1 ctl 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 30 100 20
young V1 exp 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 30 100 20
young V2 ctl 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 30 100 20
young V2 exp 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 30 100 20
old V1 ctl 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 30 100 20
old V1 exp 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 30 90 20
old V2 ctl 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 30 110 20
old V2 exp 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 30 110 20

Faux Design Plot

Faux Data Plot

Power Simulation: Replicate Data

sim_data <- faux::sim_design(
  within = list(version = c(V1 = "Version 1", V2 = "Version 2"), 
                condition = c(ctl = "Control", exp = "Experimental")),
  between = list(age_group = c(young = "Age 20-29", old = "Age 70-79")),
  n = 30,
  mu = c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 90, 110, 110),
  sd = 20,
  r = 0.5,
  dv = c(score = "Score"),
  id = c(id = "Subject ID"),
  vardesc = list(version = "Task Version", 
                 condition = "Experiment Condition", 
                 age_group = "Age Group"),
  long = TRUE,
  rep = 100

Power Simulation: Analysis Function

# setup options to avoid annoying afex message & run faster
afex::afex_options(include_aov = FALSE) 

analysis <- function(data) {
  a <- afex::aov_ez(
    id = "id", 
    dv = "score", 
    between = "age_group",
    within = c("version", "condition"),
    data = data)
  as_tibble(a$anova_table, rownames = "term") |>
    rename(p = `Pr(>F)`)

Power Simulation: Analysis Result

# test on first data set
term num Df den Df MSE F ges p
age_group 1 58 845.2 0.50 0.005 0.480
version 1 58 215.9 28.56 0.069 0.000
age_group:version 1 58 215.9 14.90 0.037 0.000
condition 1 58 192.6 0.07 0.000 0.792
age_group:condition 1 58 192.6 4.89 0.011 0.031
version:condition 1 58 183.8 8.97 0.019 0.004
age_group:version:condition 1 58 183.8 0.30 0.001 0.587

Power Simulation

power <- sim_data |>
  mutate(analysis = purrr::map(data, analysis)) |>
  select(-data) |>
  unnest(analysis) |>
  group_by(term) |>
  summarise(power = mean(p < .05))
term power
age_group 0.12
age_group:condition 0.30
age_group:version 0.99
age_group:version:condition 0.25
condition 0.25
version 0.97
version:condition 0.20

Further Resources

PsyPag Simulation Summer School

Data Simulation Workshops

Code Review

Code & Data Sharing

  • 3+ researchers of varying experience levels attempted to reproduce the results of the empirical articles in the April 2019 issue of Psychological Science (Crüwell et al, 2023)
  • All 14 articles provided at least some data and 6 provided analysis code
  • Only 1 article (with code) was exactly reproducible
  • 3 (1 with code) were essentially reproducible with minor deviations
  • Several articles had data access problems

Ease of Code Use

  • All articles in volume 33 (2022) of Psychological Science
  • A 4th year undergrad (Runcie, in prep) from Glasgow Psychology tried to run all open code within 10 minutes

Goals of Code Review

The specific goals of any code review will depend on the stage in the research process at which it is being done, the expertise of the coder and reviewer, and the amount of time available.


  • Does it run?
  • Is it reproducible?
  • Is it auditable and understandable?
  • Does it follow best practices?
  • Is it correct and appropriate?

Not Goals

  • Debugging
  • Code help
  • Statistical help

Key Concepts

  • Project organisation
  • File paths
  • Naming things
  • Data documentation
  • Literate coding
  • Single point of truth (SPOT)
  • Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)


Coder Checklist

A review package should include:

  • Any outputs that the reviewers should try to reproduce
  • All data used to create the outputs to be reproduced
  • All code necessary to recreate the outputs
  • A main script that runs any subscripts in the relevant order
  • A README file that describes the project; specifies credit and licensing

Reviewer Checklist

  • Is there sufficient information to get started?
  • Does it run? Do you need to edit anything?
  • Is it reproducible? Did you get the same values for all outputs?
  • Is it auditable and understandable? Is it set up so you can easily find code for outputs?
  • Does it follow best practices? E.g., literate coding, SPOT, DRY
  • Is it correct and appropriate? (if you have relevant expertise)

Thank You!

https://debruine.github.io/why-code (code)