Chapter 5 Webpages

5.2 Create a webpage

5.2.1 Create a project

  1. Choose New Project... from the File menu (don’t save any workspaces)
  2. If you can’t or don’t want to install git, make a local website
    • Choose New Directory > New Project...
    • Set your project name to “mywebpage” Create New Project
  3. If setting up a github or gitlab site, choose the Version Control option
    • If you don’t have this option, set up git using the instructions in Appendix @ref(#setup-git).

    • Choose the Git option to clone a project from a git repository

    • Set the Repository URL This will look something like, ssh:// or Make sure to replace USERNAME with your GitHub or GitLab username and mywebpage with the name of your project if you didn’t use that name.

      Clone Git Repository

    • Type in your SSH passphrase if using the SSH option, or your github username and password if prompted

5.2.3 Site script (only for GitLab)

This file contains instructions for copying files from your private GitLab repository to the public web resources. You don’t need it for a GitHub website because all the files are public.

  1. Make a new file Choose New File > Text File from the File menu

  2. Put the following text in the file:

      stage: deploy
      - mkdir .public
      - cp -r docs/* .public
      - mv .public public
        - public
      - master
  3. Save the file as .gitlab-ci.yml (do not change the name)

5.2.4 Main page

  1. Make a new file Choose New File > R Markdown... from the File menu

  2. Replace all of the default text with the following text:

    title: "My Website Name"
    I am a postgraduate student in the University of Glasgow's
    [Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology](
    I work with [Supervisor's Name](http://supervisor/website)
  3. Personalise the website name, supervisor name, and supervisor website link.

  4. Save the file as index.Rmd (do not change the name)

5.2.5 Render the site

  1. Type rmarkdown::render_site() into the lower left Console pane. You might get some error messages about the graphics engine. You can ignore those for now.
  2. Click on the docs directory in the Files tab of the lower right pane
  3. Click on index.html and choose View in Web Browser
  4. Check if your links work, edit and repeat if they don’t

5.3 Add content

If you are comfortable with HTML, you can write most of your page in HTML. If not, I’d suggest using rmarkdown, whcih is a simple way to indicate headings, paragraphs, links, lists and images.

5.3.1 Headings and paragraphs

Headings are prefaces with hashes #. The largest, title heading gets one hash and each subheading level adds another hash.

Paragraphs don’t require any special marks, they are just automatically created when you skip a line between blocks of text.

### Headings and paragraphs

Headings are prefaces with hashes `#`. The largest, title heading gets one hash and each subheading level adds another hash. 

Paragraphs don't require any special marks, they are just automatically created when you skip a line between blocks of text.

5.3.3 Lists

You can make bullet point lists by prefacing items with * or numeric lists by prefacing them with numbers. Make nested lists by indenting 4 spaces.

Face Research Lab:

  • Permanent Staff
    • Lisa
    • Ben
  • Postdocs
    • Iris
    • Ant
    • Kieran
  • PhD Students
    • Danielle
    • Chengyang
    • Vanessa
    • Jaimie

Things I need to do:

  1. Finish this lesson
  2. Write new R script for hormones project
  3. Write reference letter
  4. Check Moodle
Face Research Lab:

* Permanent Staff
    * Lisa
    * Ben
* Postdocs
    * Iris
    * Ant
    * Kieran
* PhD Students
    * Danielle
    * Chengyang 
    * Vanessa
    * Jaimie

Things I need to do:

1. Finish this lesson
1. Write new R script for hormones project
1. Write reference letter
1. Check Moodle

Notice how the numeric list uses all number 1. You can use incrementing numbers if you want, but using all 1s makes it easier to change the order of your items with out having the renumber.

5.3.4 Images

Images are created much like links. Just put an exclamation mark (!) before the first brasket and put some explanatory text (title and image credit) in the squre brackets, and the image location in the parentheses.

A pangolin, by Bart Wursten

![A pangolin, by Bart Wursten](images/pangolin.jpg)

5.4 Add pages

  1. Create a new .Rmd file for each webpage
  2. Add content to the webpages (more on this below)
  3. Type rmarkdown::render_site() in the Console window

5.5 Styles

5.5.1 Change the theme

The _site.yml file theme option specifies the Bootstrap theme to use for the page. You can use default, cerulean, journal, flatly, readable, spacelab, united, cosmo, lumen, paper, sandstone, simplex, and yeti. Annoyingly, there are no dark themes available by default.

name: "mywebpage"  
author: "YOUR NAME"  
output_dir: "docs"  
    self_contained: no  
    theme: flatly  
    css: style.css
  title: "My First Webpage"  

5.5.2 Add custom styles

You can also add a custom style sheet (a document that determines how each element of your website should look) by adding the line css: style.css under html_document: in the _site.yml file (as above).

Then you need to create a file named style.css and add your custom styles there. The web has thousands of guides to CSS, but codeacademy has great interactive tutorials for learning html, css, and even more advanced web coding like javascript.

However, the basics of css are easy to learn and it’s best to just start playing around with it. Add the following text to your style.css file and re-render the website using rmarkdown::render_site().

5.5.3 Change global fonts and colours

body {
  font-size: 2em;
  font-family: "Times New Roman";
  color: white;
  background-color: #660000;

This will make the text on your website larger, a different font, and change the text and background colours.

The theme you’re using might have css that blocks the styles you’re trying to change. You can add !important before the end colon to override that.

5.5.4 Change certain elements

Maybe you only want to change the font colour for your headings, not the rest of the text. You can apply a style to a specific element type by specifying the element name before the curly brackets.

h1, h2, h3 {
  text-align: center;
  color: hsl(0, 100%, 20%);

h3 {
  font-style: italic;

p {
  border: 1px solid green;
  padding: 10px;
  line-height: 2;

ul {
  border: 3px dotted red;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 10px 30px;

5.5.4 Example using the styles above

The CSS above changes the styles for three levels of headers (h2, h3, h4) and sets the third level to italics.

5.5.4 Level 3 header

It also gives paragraphs (p) a green border and double-spacing.

5.5.4 Level 4 header

Unordered Lists (ul) get:

  • dotted red border
  • round corners
  • increased padding on top (10px) and sides (30px)

5.6 Put your webpage online

5.6.1 Save this version with git

  1. Click on the git tab in the upper right pane
  2. Stage your files Select all (cmd-A) and click on a checkbox in the Staged column to select all files
  3. Commit your changes Click Commit. A new window will open. Type Added site and index pages in the Commit message box and click Commit
  4. Close the progress window and the commit window
  5. Upload your changes
    • Click Push (the green up arrow)
    • Enter your SSH passphrase
    • Close the window when it’s done
  6. Go to your GitHub or GitLab page; the new files should be in your repository

5.6.2 GitHub

To use a GitHub repository as a website, you need to set the source directory the first time you add files to the docs directory.

  1. Go to the website for your GitHub repository (e.g.,
  2. Click on the Settings tab and scroll down to GitHub Pages
  3. Under Source, choose master branch /docs folder and click Save
  4. Click on the link that appears above (e.g.,

5.6.3 GitLab

If you are working in GitLab, your webpage should be created in a minute or two. Just go to the URL like