D Datasets

You can download a zip file of the datasets or access them from the class package with getdata(). The help files for each data table describe the data and each column. Each data table comes with a codebook in Psych-DS format.

  • Country Codes Multiple country, subregion, and region codes for 249 countries.
  • Three Domain Disgust Questionnaire (correlations) Correlations among questions on the Three Domain Disgust Questionnaire (Tybur et al.)
  • Three Domain Disgust Questionnaire (scores) A dataset containing subscale scores for to the Three Domain Disgust Questionnaire (Tybur et al.), calculated from [disgust].
  • Three Domain Disgust Questionnaire (items) A dataset containing responses to the 21 items in the Three Domain Disgust Questionnaire (Tybur et al.)
  • Parental Attachment (Mothers) Items starting with r, p and e are for the rejection (r), overprotection (p), and emotional warmth (e) subscales.
  • Empathizing Quotient Reverse coded (Q#R) questions coded and strongly disagree = 2, slightly disagree = 1, else = 0. The other questions are coded as strongly agree = 2, slightly agree = 1, else = 0.
  • Experimentum Project Experiments Data from a demo experiment on Experimentum https://debruine.github.io/experimentum/. Subjects are shown pairs of upright and inverted Mooney faces and asked to click on the upright face.
  • Experimentum Project Questionnaires Data from a demo questionnaire on Experimentum https://debruine.github.io/experimentum/. Subjects are asked questions about dogs to test the different questionnaire response types.
  • Descriptions of Eyes Participant’s written descriptions of the eyes of 50 people
  • Family Composition Responses to a brief questionnaire about family composition.
  • Infant Mortality Infant mortality by country and year from the World Health Organisation.
  • Maternal Mortality Maternal mortality by country and year from the World Health Organisation.
  • Messy Data A dataset with missing values, blank rows, incorrect data types, multiple values in one column, and multiple date types for practicing data import.
  • 5-Factor Personality Scores Archival data from the Face Research Lab of a 5-factor personality questionnaire, with factor score calculated from [personality].
  • 5-Factor Personality Items Archival data from the Face Research Lab of a 5-factor personality questionnaire. Each question is labelled with the domain (Op = openness, Co = conscientiousness, Ex = extroversion, Ag = agreeableness, and Ne = neuroticism) and the question number. Participants rate each statement on a Likert scale from 0 (Never) to 6 (Always). Questions with REV have already been reverse-coded (0 = Always, 6 = Never).
  • Pets A simulated dataset with one random factor (id), two categorical factors (pet, country) and three continuous variables (score, age, weight). This dataset is useful for practicing plotting.
  • First Impressions of Faces (Aggregated) Aggregated data from Psychological Science Accelerator project: To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply? https://psyarxiv.com/n26dy. Mean ratings on 13 traits for each of 120 faces shown in 10 world regions. Face characteristics at [psa001_cfd_faces].
  • Face Characteristics Face stimulus characteristics from Psychological Science Accelerator project: To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply? https://psyarxiv.com/n26dy. To be used with [psa001_agg].
  • Sensation Seeking Scale Zuckerman M. (1984). Sensation seeking: a comparative approach to a human trait. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 7: 413-471.
  • Small Factorial Design: 2w*2b Small simulated dataset (n = 5) with one within-subject factor (time) having 2 levels (pre and post) and one beteen-subject factor (group) having two levels(control and experimental). The dataset is in wide format and created with faux.
  • Systemizing Quotient Reverse coded (Q#R) questions coded as strongly disagree = 2, slightly disagree = 1, else = 0. The other questions are coded as strongly agree = 2, slightly agree = 1, else = 0. c(“* Stroop Task 50 simulated subject in a stroop task viewing all combinations of word and ink colours blue, purple, green, red, and brown, 5 times each. Subjects respond with the ink colour. Subjects who do not respond in time have NA for response and rt.”, “* Stroop Task 50 simulated subject in a stroop task viewing all combinations of word and ink colours blue, purple, green, red, and brown, 5 times each. Subjects respond with the ink colour. Subjects who do not respond in time have NA for response and rt.” )
  • User Demographics A dataset with unique participant ID, sex and birth year. To be used in conjunction with data from [disgust], [disgust_scores], [personality], [personality_scores], and [users2].
  • User Demographics 2 A dataset with unique participant ID, birth year, and sex. To be used in conjunction with data from [disgust], [disgust_scores], [personality], [personality_scores], and [users].