It is useful to be able to simulate data with a specified structure. The faux
package provides some functions to make this process easier. See the vignettes for more details.
You can install the released version of faux from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Quick overview
Simulate data for a factorial design
See the Simulate by Design vignette for more details.
between <- list(pet = c(cat = "Cat Owners",
dog = "Dog Owners"))
within <- list(time = c("morning",
mu <- data.frame(
cat = c(10, 12, 14, 16),
dog = c(10, 15, 20, 25),
row.names = within$time
df <- sim_design(within, between,
n = 100, mu = mu,
sd = 5, r = .5)

p1 <- plot_design(df)
p2 <- plot_design(df, "pet", "time")
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2, align = "v")

Simulate new data from an existing data table
See the Simulate from Existing Data vignette for more details.
new_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, between = "Species")

Simulate data for a mixed design
You can build up a cross-classified or nested mixed effects design using piped functions. See the contrasts vignette for more details.
# simulate 20 classes with 20 to 30 students per class
data <- add_random(class = 20) %>%
add_random(student = sample(20:30, 20, replace = TRUE),
.nested_in = "class") %>%
add_between(.by = "class",
school_type = c("private","public"),
.prob = c(5, 15)) %>%
add_between(.by = "student",
gender = c("M", "F", "NB"),
.prob = c(.49, .49, .02))
school_type | gender | n |
private | M | 58 |
private | F | 65 |
private | NB | 2 |
public | M | 164 |
public | F | 191 |
public | NB | 7 |
Other simulation packages
I started this project as a collection of functions I was writing to help with my own work. It’s one of many, many simulation packages in R; here are some others. I haven’t used most of them, so I can’t vouch for them, but if faux doesn’t meet your needs, one of these might.
- SimDesign: generate, analyse and summarise data from models or probability density functions
- simstudy: Simulation of Study Data
- simr: Power Analysis of Generalised Linear Mixed Models by Simulation
- simulator: streamlines the process of performing simulations by creating a common infrastructure that can be easily used and reused across projects
- lsasim: Simulate large scale assessment data
- simmer: Trajectory-based Discrete-Event Simulation (DES
- parSim: Parallel Simulation Studies