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Add random effects to a data frame


add_ranef(.data, .by = NULL, ..., .cors = 0, .empirical = FALSE)



the data frame


the grouping column (groups by row if NULL)


the name and standard deviation of each random effect


the correlations among multiple random effects, to be passed to rnorm_multi as r


logical. To be passed to rnorm_multi as empirical


data frame with new random effects columns


add_random(rater = 2, stimulus = 2, time = 2) %>%
  add_ranef("rater", u0r = 1.5) %>%
  add_ranef("stimulus", u0s = 2.2, u1s = 0.75, .cors = 0.5) %>%
  add_ranef(c("rater", "stimulus"), u0sr = 1.2)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#>   rater  stimulus  time    u0r    u0s    u1s   u0sr
#>   <chr>  <chr>     <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 rater1 stimulus1 time1 0.354 -0.977  0.147 -1.14 
#> 2 rater1 stimulus1 time2 0.354 -0.977  0.147 -1.14 
#> 3 rater1 stimulus2 time1 0.354 -4.47  -0.111  0.572
#> 4 rater1 stimulus2 time2 0.354 -4.47  -0.111  0.572
#> 5 rater2 stimulus1 time1 0.943 -0.977  0.147 -0.954
#> 6 rater2 stimulus1 time2 0.943 -0.977  0.147 -0.954
#> 7 rater2 stimulus2 time1 0.943 -4.47  -0.111  0.281
#> 8 rater2 stimulus2 time2 0.943 -4.47  -0.111  0.281