Get error terms from an existing data table.
check_mixed_design(data, dv = 1, sub_id = 2, item_id = 3, formula = NULL)
the existing tbl
the column name or index containing the DV
the column name or index for the subject IDs
the column name or index for the item IDs
the formula to run in lmer (defaults to null model dv ~ 1 + (1|sub_id) + (1|item_id))
a list of parameters
des <- check_mixed_design(fr4, "rating", "rater_id", "face_id")
#> List of 4
#> $ grand_i : num 2.68
#> $ sub_sd : num 0.896
#> $ item_sd : num 0.655
#> $ error_sd: num 1.04