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This script provides equivalent code to the version using pipes and functions from the tidyverse. While this code may be of interest to people who want to learn more about the computations that generate correlated data, it will be more difficult to extend to more complicated designs.

Simulate data with crossed random factors

In this hypothetical study, subjects classify the emotional expressions of faces as quickly as possible, and we use their response time as the primary dependent variable. Let’s imagine that the faces are of two types: either from the subject’s ingroup or from an outgroup. For simplicity, we further assume that each face appears only once in the stimulus set. The key question is whether there is any difference in classification speed across the type of face.

The important parts of the design are:

  • Random factor 1: subjects (associated variables will be prefixed by T or tau)
  • Random factor 2: faces (associated variables will be prefixed by O or omega)
  • Fixed factor 1: category (level = ingroup, outgroup)
    • within subject: subjects see both ingroup and outgroup faces
    • between face: each face is either ingroup or outgroup

Required software

# load required packages
library("lme4")        # model specification / estimation
library("afex")        # anova and deriving p-values from lmer

# ensure this script returns the same results on each run

Establish the data-generating parameters

# set all data-generating parameters
beta_0  <- 800 # intercept; i.e., the grand mean
beta_1  <-  50 # slope; i.e, effect of category
omega_0 <-  80 # by-item random intercept sd
tau_0   <- 100 # by-subject random intercept sd
tau_1   <-  40 # by-subject random slope sd
rho     <-  .2 # correlation between intercept and slope
sigma   <- 200 # residual (error) sd

Simulate the sampling process

# set number of subjects and items
n_subj     <- 100 # number of subjects
n_ingroup  <-  25 # number of items in ingroup
n_outgroup <-  25 # number of items in outgroup

Simulate the sampling of stimulus items

# simulate a sample of items
n_items <- n_ingroup + n_outgroup

items <- data.frame(
  item_id = seq_len(n_items),
  category = rep(c("ingroup", "outgroup"), c(n_ingroup, n_outgroup)),
  X_i = rep(c(-0.5, 0.5), c(n_ingroup, n_outgroup)),
  O_0i = rnorm(n = n_items, mean = 0, sd = omega_0)

Simulate the sampling of subjects

# simulate a sample of subjects

# calculate random intercept / random slope covariance
covar <- rho * tau_0 * tau_1

# put values into variance-covariance matrix
cov_mx  <- matrix(
  c(tau_0^2, covar,
    covar,   tau_1^2),
  nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# generate the by-subject random effects
subject_rfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n_subj,
                             mu = c(T_0s = 0, T_1s = 0),
                             Sigma = cov_mx)

# combine with subject IDs
subjects <- data.frame(subj_id = seq_len(n_subj),

Check your values

  parameter = c("omega_0", "tau_0", "tau_1", "rho"),
  value = c(omega_0, tau_0, tau_1, rho),
  simulated = c(
    cor(subjects$T_0s, subjects$T_1s)
##   parameter value  simulated
## 1   omega_0  80.0 68.7759151
## 2     tau_0 100.0 91.6318426
## 3     tau_1  40.0 44.5699772
## 4       rho   0.2  0.1916702

Simulate trials (encounters)

# cross subject and item IDs; add an error term
trials <- expand.grid(subj_id = subjects$subj_id,
                      item_id = items$item_id)

trials$sigma = rnorm(nrow(trials), mean = 0, sd = sigma)

# join subject and item tables
joined <- merge(trials, subjects, by = "subj_id")
dat_sim <- merge(joined, items, by = "item_id")

Calculate the response values

# calculate the response variable
dat_sim$RT <- beta_0 + dat_sim$O_0i + dat_sim$T_0s + 
  (beta_1 + dat_sim$T_1s) * dat_sim$X_i + dat_sim$sigma

Plot the data

par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
ingroup <- dat_sim$RT[which(dat_sim$category == "ingroup")]
outgroup <- dat_sim$RT[which(dat_sim$category == "outgroup")]

Data simulation function

Once you’ve tested your data generating code above, put it into a function so you can run it repeatedly. We combined a few steps in calculating Sigma for the correlated values.

# set up the custom data simulation function
my_sim_data <- function(
  n_subj     = 100, # number of subjects
  n_ingroup  =  25, # number of items in ingroup
  n_outgroup =  25, # number of items in outgroup
  beta_0     = 800, # grand mean
  beta_1     =  50, # effect of category
  omega_0    =  80, # by-item random intercept sd
  tau_0      = 100, # by-subject random intercept sd
  tau_1      =  40, # by-subject random slope sd
  rho        = 0.2, # correlation between intercept and slope
  sigma      = 200  # residual (standard deviation)
  ) {
  # simulate a sample of items
  items <- data.frame(
    item_id = seq_len(n_ingroup + n_outgroup),
    category = rep(c("ingroup", "outgroup"), c(n_ingroup, n_outgroup)),
    X_i = rep(c(-0.5, 0.5), c(n_ingroup, n_outgroup)),
    O_0i = rnorm(n = n_ingroup + n_outgroup, mean = 0, sd = omega_0)
  # simulate subjects
  Sigma <- matrix(c(tau_0^2, tau_0 * tau_1 * rho,
                    tau_0 * tau_1 * rho, tau_1^2), 
               nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) 
  S <- MASS::mvrnorm(n_subj, c(T_0s = 0, T_1s = 0), Sigma)
  subjects <- data.frame(subj_id = 1:n_subj, S)
  # cross subject and item IDs; add an error term
  trials <- expand.grid(subj_id = subjects$subj_id,
                        item_id = items$item_id)
  trials$sigma <- rnorm(nrow(trials), mean = 0, sd = sigma)
  # join subject and item tables
  joined <- merge(trials, subjects, by = "subj_id")
  dat_sim <- merge(joined, items, by = "item_id")
  # calculate the response variable
  dat_sim$RT <- beta_0 + dat_sim$O_0i + dat_sim$T_0s + 
    (beta_1 + dat_sim$T_1s) * dat_sim$X_i + dat_sim$sigma

Analyze the simulated data

# fit a linear mixed-effects model to data
mod_sim <- lmer(RT ~ 1 + X_i + (1 | item_id) + (1 + X_i | subj_id),
                data = dat_sim)

summary(mod_sim, corr = FALSE)
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: RT ~ 1 + X_i + (1 | item_id) + (1 + X_i | subj_id)
##    Data: dat_sim
## REML criterion at convergence: 67746.6
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.6906 -0.6743 -0.0029  0.6791  3.5866 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
##  subj_id  (Intercept)  8219     90.66       
##           X_i          2683     51.80   0.10
##  item_id  (Intercept)  4467     66.83       
##  Residual             41399    203.47       
## Number of obs: 5000, groups:  subj_id, 100; item_id, 50
## Fixed effects:
##             Estimate Std. Error     df t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   807.72      13.41 114.96  60.238   <2e-16 ***
## X_i            47.91      20.43  54.20   2.346   0.0227 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# get a table of results
sumry <- summary(mod_sim, corr = FALSE)
ffx  <- fixef(mod_sim) # fixed effects
irfx <- attr(sumry$varcor$item_id, "stddev") # random effects for items
srfx <- attr(sumry$varcor$subj_id, "stddev") # random effects for subjects
rc   <- attr(sumry$varcor$subj_id, "correlation")[1, 2] # rho estimate
res  <- sigma(mod_sim) # residual error

  parameter = c("beta_0", "beta_1", "omega_0", "tau_0", "tau_1", "rho", "sigma"),
  value = c(beta_0, beta_1, omega_0, tau_0, tau_1, rho, sigma),
  estimate = c(ffx[["(Intercept)"]],
  term = c(rownames(sumry$coefficients), rep(NA, 5)),
  std.error = c(sumry$coefficients[, 2], rep(NA, 5)),
  statistic  = c(sumry$coefficients[, 4], rep(NA, 5)),
  df = c(sumry$coefficients[, 3], rep(NA, 5)),
  p.value  = c(sumry$coefficients[, 5], rep(NA, 5))
##   parameter value     estimate        term std.error statistic        df
## 1    beta_0 800.0 807.72240229 (Intercept)  13.40893 60.237635 114.96386
## 2    beta_1  50.0  47.91285362         X_i  20.42749  2.345508  54.19737
## 3   omega_0  80.0  66.83329418        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 4     tau_0 100.0  90.65646942        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 5     tau_1  40.0  51.79613859        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 6       rho   0.2   0.09632442        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 7     sigma 200.0 203.46675530        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
##        p.value
## 1 8.380327e-89
## 2 2.269067e-02
## 3           NA
## 4           NA
## 5           NA
## 6           NA
## 7           NA

Calculate Power

You can wrap up the data generating function and the analysis code in a new function (single_run) that returns a table of the analysis results, and optionally saves this info to a file if you set a filename.

# set up the power function
single_run <- function(filename = NULL, ...) {
  # ... is a shortcut that forwards any arguments to my_sim_data()
  dat_sim <- my_sim_data(...)
  mod_sim <- lmer(RT ~ X_i + (1 | item_id) + (1 + X_i | subj_id),
  # get a table of results
  sumry <- summary(mod_sim, corr = FALSE)
  ffx  <- fixef(mod_sim) 
  irfx <- attr(sumry$varcor$item_id, "stddev") 
  srfx <- attr(sumry$varcor$subj_id, "stddev") 
  sim_results <- data.frame(
    parameter = c("beta_0", "beta_1", "omega_0", "tau_0", "tau_1", "rho", "sigma"),
    value = c(beta_0, beta_1, omega_0, tau_0, tau_1, rho, sigma),
    estimate = c(ffx[["(Intercept)"]],
                 attr(sumry$varcor$subj_id, "correlation")[1, 2],
    term = c(rownames(sumry$coefficients), rep(NA, 5)),
    std.error = c(sumry$coefficients[, 2], rep(NA, 5)),
    statistic  = c(sumry$coefficients[, 4], rep(NA, 5)),
    df = c(sumry$coefficients[, 3], rep(NA, 5)),
    p.value  = c(sumry$coefficients[, 5], rep(NA, 5))
  # append the results to a file if filename is set
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    append <- file.exists(filename) # append if the file exists
    write.table(sim_results, filename, sep = ",",
                row.names = FALSE,
                append = append, 
                col.names = !append)
  # return the tidy table
# run one model with default parameters
##   parameter value    estimate        term std.error statistic        df
## 1    beta_0 800.0 812.9633813 (Intercept)  14.30341 56.837023 116.28041
## 2    beta_1  50.0  72.8248327         X_i  21.40344  3.402483  51.13854
## 3   omega_0  80.0  71.6541083        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 4     tau_0 100.0  96.9226766        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 5     tau_1  40.0  39.3914381        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 6       rho   0.2   0.1736067        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
## 7     sigma 200.0 199.5160212        <NA>        NA        NA        NA
##        p.value
## 1 1.103124e-86
## 2 1.304604e-03
## 3           NA
## 4           NA
## 5           NA
## 6           NA
## 7           NA
# run one model with new parameters
single_run(n_ingroup = 50, n_outgroup = 45, beta_1 = 20)
##   parameter value     estimate        term std.error statistic       df
## 1    beta_0 800.0 797.66534765 (Intercept)  13.70658 58.195791 164.9406
## 2    beta_1  50.0  19.53176608         X_i  16.08609  1.214202 103.9661
## 3   omega_0  80.0  73.13826915        <NA>        NA        NA       NA
## 4     tau_0 100.0 112.78709472        <NA>        NA        NA       NA
## 5     tau_1  40.0  40.14726094        <NA>        NA        NA       NA
## 6       rho   0.2  -0.03579995        <NA>        NA        NA       NA
## 7     sigma 200.0 199.40746820        <NA>        NA        NA       NA
##         p.value
## 1 7.262043e-112
## 2  2.274214e-01
## 3            NA
## 4            NA
## 5            NA
## 6            NA
## 7            NA

To get an accurate estimation of power, you need to run the simulation many times. We use 100 here as an example, but your results are more accurate the more replications you run. This will depend on the specifics of your analysis, but we recommend at least 1000 replications.

# run simulations
reps <- 100
sims <- replicate(reps, single_run(), simplify = FALSE)
sims <- lapply(sims,
sims <-"rbind", sims)

Alternatively, you can save the simulations to a file and read from that file in subsequent runs.

filename <- "sims/sims_base.csv" # change for new analyses
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
  reps <- 100
  trash <- replicate(reps, single_run(filename))

# read saved simulation data
sims <- read.csv(filename)
# calculate mean estimates and power for specified alpha
alpha <- 0.05

fcat <- sims[sims$term == "X_i", ]

power <- mean(fcat$p.value < alpha)
mean_estimate <- mean(fcat$estimate)
mean_se <- mean(fcat$std.error)

The power is NA with a mean estimate for the effect of category of NA and a mean standard error of NA.

Compare to ANOVA

One way many researchers would normally analyse data like this is by averaging each subject’s reaction times across the ingroup and outgroup stimuli and compare them using a paired-samples t-test or ANOVA (which is formally equivalent). Here, we use afex::aov_ez to analyse a version of our dataset that is aggregated by subject.

# aggregate by subject and analyze with ANOVA
dat_subj <- with(dat_sim, aggregate(RT, list(subj_id, category, X_i), mean))
names(dat_subj) <- c("subj_id", "category", "X_i", "RT")

  id = "subj_id",
  dv = "RT",
  within = "category",
  data = dat_subj
## Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
## Response: RT
##     Effect    df     MSE         F  ges p.value
## 1 category 1, 99 2997.37 38.29 *** .052   <.001
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '+' 0.1 ' ' 1

Alternatively, you could aggregate by item, averaging all subjects’ scores for each item.

# aggregate by item and analyze with ANOVA
dat_item <- with(dat_sim, aggregate(RT, list(item_id, category, X_i), mean))
names(dat_item) <- c("item_id", "category", "X_i", "RT")

  id = "item_id",
  dv = "RT",
  between = "category",
  data = dat_item
## Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
## Response: RT
##     Effect    df     MSE      F  ges p.value
## 1 category 1, 48 4880.55 5.88 * .109    .019
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '+' 0.1 ' ' 1

We can create a power analysis function that simulates data using our data-generating process from my_sim_data(), creates these two aggregated datasets, and analyses them with ANOVA. We’ll just return the p-values for the effect of category as we can calculate power as the percentage of these simulations that reject the null hypothesis.

# power function for ANOVA
my_anova_power <- function(...) {
  dat_sim <- my_sim_data(...)
  dat_subj <- with(dat_sim, aggregate(RT, list(subj_id, category, X_i), mean))
  names(dat_subj) <- c("subj_id", "category", "X_i", "RT")
  dat_item <- with(dat_sim, aggregate(RT, list(item_id, category, X_i), mean))
  names(dat_item) <- c("item_id", "category", "X_i", "RT")

  a_subj <- afex::aov_ez(id = "subj_id",
                         dv = "RT",
                         within = "category",
                         data = dat_subj)
    # check contrasts message is annoying
    a_item <- afex::aov_ez(
      id = "item_id",
      dv = "RT",
      between = "category",
      data = dat_item
    "subj" = a_subj$anova_table$`Pr(>F)`,
    "item" = a_item$anova_table$`Pr(>F)`

Run this function with the default parameters to determine the power each analysis has to detect an effect of category of 50 ms.

# run simulations and calculate power 
reps <- 100
anova_sims <- replicate(reps, my_anova_power(), simplify = FALSE)
anova_sims <- lapply(anova_sims,
anova_sims <-"rbind", anova_sims)

alpha <- 0.05
power_subj <- mean(anova_sims$subj < alpha)
power_item <- mean(anova_sims$item < alpha)

The by-subjects ANOVA has power of 0.93, while the by-items ANOVA has power of 0.52. This isn’t simply a consequence of within versus between design or the number of subjects versus items, but rather a consequence of the inflated false positive rate of some aggregated analyses.

Set the effect of category to 0 to calculate the false positive rate. This is the probability of concluding there is an effect when there is no actual effect in your population.

# run simulations and calculate the false positive rate 
reps <- 100
anova_fp <- replicate(reps, my_anova_power(beta_1 = 0), simplify = FALSE)
anova_fp <- lapply(anova_fp,
anova_fp <-"rbind", anova_fp)

false_pos_subj <- mean(anova_fp$subj < alpha)
false_pos_item <- mean(anova_fp$item < alpha)

## [1] 0.57
## [1] 0.05

Ideally, your false positive rate will be equal to alpha, which we set here at 0.05. The by-subject aggregated analysis has a massively inflated false positive rate of 0.57, while the by-item aggregated analysis has a closer-to-nominal false positive rate of 0.05. This is not a mistake, but a consequence of averaging items and analysing a between-item factor. Indeed, this problem with false positives is one of the most compelling reasons to analyze cross-classified data using mixed effects models.