27  Future

library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling
library(jsonlite)  # for reading from the OSF API
library(lubridate) # for handling dates

theme_set(theme_minimal(base_size = 16))

27.1 OSF Data

Use the OSF API to search the OSF for preprints from PsyArXiv. Use read_json() to store the JSON returned data as an R list. Each “page” has 10 entries. j$links$last contains the URL of the last page of entries, so extract the page number from that to find out how many pages you’ll need to read.

# get the total number of pages
baseurl <- "https://api.osf.io/v2/preprints/?filter%5Bprovider%5D=psyarxiv&format=jsonapi"
j <- read_json(baseurl)
lastpage <- str_extract(j$links$last, "(?<=page=)\\d*") %>% as.integer()

Set up a location to save the data and write a function to read the data for a page, add it to a list, and save the list to file. I also included a line to output the page number each iteration to keep track.

# location to read/save data
preprint_file <- "data/preprint_data.RDS"

# define function to get/save data
get_data <- function(i) {
  pageurl <- paste0(baseurl, "&page=", i)
  j <- read_json(pageurl)
  preprint_data <<- c(preprint_data, j$data)
  saveRDS(preprint_data, preprint_file)
  cat("page", i, "\n")
# iterate over pages (1-2 seconds per page)
if (file.exists(preprint_file)) {
  preprint_data <- readRDS(preprint_file) 
} else {
  preprint_data <- list()

# get startpage (avoids rerunning finished queries)
startpage <- floor(length(preprint_data)/10 + 1)
sink <- map(startpage:lastpage, get_data)

This can take a few hours to finish, so after you’re done, check the number of pages and read the first one or two pages again (annoyingly, the most recent preprints are on the first page).

# get first page again (in case preprints were created since you started)
sink <- map(1:10, get_data)

Since people will upload new preprints while your script is running, there might be duplicates, so filter them out and resave.

# remove duplicates
ids <- map_chr(preprint_data, `[[`, "id")
names(preprint_data) <- ids
preprint_data <- preprint_data[unique(ids)]
saveRDS(preprint_data, preprint_file)

27.1.1 Process data

Comment out the code above so it doesn’t run unless you want it to.

# read from saved object
preprint_data <- readRDS(preprint_file)

Look at the first list item to find the info you want to extract. Most of the interesting info is in attributes, but some of the items are lists, so you’ll have to handle those.

p1 <- preprint_data[[1]]

attr <- p1$attributes
is_list <- map_lgl(attr, is.list)
attr[is_list] %>% str()
List of 6
 $ license_record          :List of 2
  ..$ copyright_holders:List of 1
  .. ..$ : chr ""
  ..$ year             : chr "2022"
 $ tags                    : list()
 $ current_user_permissions: list()
 $ data_links              :List of 1
  ..$ : chr "https://osf.io/kfhx3/"
 $ prereg_links            : list()
 $ subjects                :List of 1
  ..$ :List of 3
  .. ..$ :List of 2
  .. .. ..$ id  : chr "5b4e7425c6983001430b6c1e"
  .. .. ..$ text: chr "Social and Behavioral Sciences"
  .. ..$ :List of 2
  .. .. ..$ id  : chr "5b4e7427c6983001430b6c8c"
  .. .. ..$ text: chr "Cognitive Psychology"
  .. ..$ :List of 2
  .. .. ..$ id  : chr "5b4e7429c6983001430b6cfb"
  .. .. ..$ text: chr "Judgment and Decision Making"

I’m going to use paste() to flatten them, although I’m sure there’s a clever way to use nesting. Iterate over the list items and extract the info you want.

info <- map_df(preprint_data, function(p) {
  attr <- map(p$attributes, ~ if (is.list(.x)) {
    unlist(.x) %>% paste(collapse = "; ")
  } else {
  attr$id <- p$id

info <- info %>%
  mutate(created = as_date(date_created),
         modified = as_date(date_modified),
         published = as_date(date_published),
         has_doi = !is.na(doi) & !trimws(doi) == "")

27.1.2 Subjects

subjects <- map_df(preprint_data, function(p) {
    id = p$id,
    subject = map_chr(p$attributes$subjects[[1]], ~.x$text)

# set factor order to popularity order
subcount <- count(subjects, subject, sort = TRUE)
subjects$subject <- factor(subjects$subject, subcount$subject)


27.2 Plots

27.3 Preprints per month

It’s hard than I expected to make a histogram by month.

by_month <- function(x, n=1){
  mindate <- min(x, na.rm=T) %>% rollbackward(roll_to_first = TRUE)
  maxdate <- max(x, na.rm=T) %>% rollforward(roll_to_first = TRUE)
  seq(mindate, maxdate, by=paste0(n," months"))

ggplot(info, aes(x = published, fill = has_doi)) +
  geom_histogram(breaks = by_month(info$published),
                 color = "black") +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 year",
               date_labels = "%Y") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("red2", "springgreen3")) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL,
       fill = "Has Pubished DOI",
       title = "Number of preprints published per month on PsyArXiv") +
  theme(legend.position = c(.2, .74))

27.4 Predict

This is just a silly linear model with a quadratic term, I don’t really think submissions to PsyArXiv are going to continue to grow forever, but I just need to predict the future for the theme :)

I omitted the data from the past year to account for the slow publication process. I’m not sure if this too conservative or not conservative enough, as many people postprint, rather than preprint, but journal acceptance can take a long time.

data_by_month <- info %>%
    pub_month = rollback(published, roll_to_first = TRUE),
    pub = interval("2016-01-01", pub_month) / months(1),
    pub2 = pub^2
  ) %>%
  count(pub_month, pub, pub2, has_doi)

# model from data at least 1 year old
model <- data_by_month %>%
  filter(pub_month < (today() - years(1))) %>%
  lm(n ~ pub * has_doi + pub2 * has_doi, .)

# predict from start of psyarxiv to 2025
newdat <- crossing(
    pub_month = seq(as_date("2016-08-01"), 
                    by = "1 month"),
    has_doi = c(T, F)
  ) %>%
    pub = interval("2016-01-01", pub_month) / months(1),
    pub2 = pub^2

newdat$n <- predict(model, newdat)
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = pub_month, y = n, color = has_doi)) +
  geom_point(data = data_by_month, alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_line(data = newdat, linetype = "dashed") +
  annotate("text", label = "Probably not a very\naccurate prediction    ", 
           hjust = 1, size = 6,
           x = as_date("2023-07-01"), y = 1200) +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 year",
               date_labels = "%Y") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1500, 250)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#CA1A31", "#3477B5")) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, color = NULL,
       title = "PsyArXiv preprints per month <span style='color: #3477B5;'>with</span> and <span style='color: #CA1A31;'>without</span> publication DOIs",
       caption = "Data from OSF using the API | Plot by @lisadebruine") +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none",
        plot.title = ggtext::element_markdown(size = 18),
        plot.caption = element_text(color = "grey50"))

A scatter plot of PsyArXiv preprints per month with publication DOIs and without, from 2016 to present, with predictions up to 2025. The papers without DOIs increase from 0 to about 500 per month in 2021 and level off, while the paper with DOIs increase to about 100 per month to 2021 and decrease. The prediction line show an increase in papers without DOIs to 1500/month by 2025 and to about 200 per month for papers without DOIs.